3 Months After Hair Transplant

Hair transplants in Dubai & Sharjah
Hair transplants in Dubai & Sharjah

Heading 1: The Initial Healing Period:

Immediately after a hair transplant surgery, it is normal to experience some swelling, redness, and mild discomfort in the recipient and donor areas. These symptoms usually subside within a week or two, as the scalp begins to heal. During the first three months, your transplanted hair follicles undergo a process known as “shedding and regrowth.”

Heading 2: Shedding and Regrowth:

At around two to four weeks post-surgery, the transplanted hairs will start to fall out. This is a natural part of the healing process and should not cause concern. The shedding occurs because the hair follicles go into a dormant phase called the telogen phase. This shedding is temporary and paves the way for new, healthier hair growth. It is important to note that not all transplanted hairs will shed at the same time. Some hairs will continue to grow, while others will shed and prepare for regrowth.

Heading 3: The Beginning of New Hair Growth:

Around the three-month mark, you will start to notice small, fine hairs sprouting from the transplanted areas. These hairs are commonly referred to as “baby hairs” and are a positive sign that the transplanted follicles are establishing themselves in their new location. It is crucial to remain patient during this stage, as the hair will continue to grow and thicken over time.

Heading 4: Hair Texture and Appearance:

During the initial months following a hair transplant, the texture and appearance of the newly transplanted hair may differ from your original hair. The transplanted hair may appear thinner, finer, or curlier than your natural hair. This is completely normal and expected. As the hair continues to grow and mature, it will gradually adopt the characteristics of your original hair, including its texture, color, and thickness.

Heading 5: Precautions and Care:

While the transplanted hair follicles are in the process of regrowth, it is essential to take proper care to ensure optimal results. Here are some precautions and care tips to follow:

  1. Avoid excessive sun exposure, as it can harm the healing scalp and cause discoloration of the transplanted hair.
  2. Be gentle when washing and styling your hair, especially around the transplant area. Use a mild shampoo and avoid applying excessive force or pressure.
  3. Refrain from using harsh chemicals or styling products that may irritate the scalp or hinder the healing process.
  4. Follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding medications, post-operative care, and any recommended hair care products.

Heading 6: What to Expect in the Future:

While three months post-transplant is an important milestone, it is crucial to remember that the full results of a hair transplant can take up to a year to become apparent. Over the coming months, the transplanted hairs will continue to grow and mature, resulting in a fuller and more natural-looking head of hair. It is important to maintain regular follow-up appointments with your hair transplant surgeon to monitor progress and address any concerns.


Three months after a Hair Transplant in Dubai, significant progress is made in the healing and regrowth process. Although shedding of the transplanted hairs occurs during this period, it is a positive sign that new, healthier hair is on its way. Patience and adherence to proper care instructions are key during this crucial stage. Remember that the ultimate results of a hair transplant surgery take time to fully manifest, and the final outcome can be well worth the wait.

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